Ministry on the Margins at Mount Clinton COG


Our ministry began at Mt. Clinton in December 2007. Our time here has been challenging, but overall we have been blessed to see souls saved and lives transformed for the glory of God.

In our 13 years of ministry at Mt. Clinton, we have led many outreach initiatives. Our outreach ministries include ministry at the local nursing home, a card ministry, and homeless shelter ministry. We are a small church with a heart after God. We are a family working together for the "Glory of God."


When Covid-19 became a reality in our lives, so many thoughts flooded our minds. The news media stated so many things. We decided to do what we have always done; trust God! We chose to carry on for the work that God had put before us.

We excitedly prepared each week for services outside in our church parking lot. We could not have Sunday School, Wednesday night Bible studies, or children's church, but we knew we could have a Sunday morning Worship Service. We prepared each week, putting up the canopy and praying it would not rain. We trusted that God would be with us each week. We would sing our hearts out with joy to be able to worship through a pandemic. We were so happy and excited to see our members come to drive-in worship.

We also made Facebook Live a part of our regular Sunday routine for those who could not attend. We continued to do many weekly phone calls to encourage and stay in touch with our church members. We continued our card ministry to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and to bring encouragement. Just recently, we were able to donate hygiene products to the "Open Doors Homeless Shelter."


Through all of the challenges presented by Covid-19, we have encouraged our congregation to stay close to God. One scripture that is readily on my heart, "And he said unto them, follow me and I will make you fishers of men." We will continue to encourage our church to work in the harvest and be a bright light in this dark world. Even though we are a small church, we have a commitment to continue to shine God's light throughout our community.

Michael Fallin
Senior Pastor
Mount Clinton Church of God