Ministry on the Margins at New Life Worship Center

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We left the sleepy town of Amherst and arrived in the Commonwealth’s capital in April 2019. New Life was a great little church full of great people. Everything was stable and in good order. There was money in the bank and no debt. We were blessed.

Over the next six months God would usher the church into a season of challenge and change. God sent us Katie Jarrell to be our youth pastor and Joy Sickinger to be our worship leader. The addition of these two wonderful leaders would bring the church into a new season of ministry. God instantly began to move among our young people. They attended Winterfest, which the church hadn’t been a part of for at least 5 years. Our worship services were filled with the power and presence of God. God began to send us new people and at the same time bring some of the people from the past home.

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In addition, we began to update our facility. From our pump house to our sanctuary, we were busy and there was excitement in the air. We were able to sell some property that the church had and that money allowed us to continue the work. We built a sound booth, re-arranged the sanctuary and put in new lighting. We were able to purchase new tables for our fellowship hall and with the help of a few very productive work days, we cleaned and de-cluttered several rooms to be used for ministry.

Like so many other churches can testify to, our finances went up during Covid and we continued to see new faces show up at church. It was also during this time that our church felt led to start a food ministry, in which I am proud to announce is thriving and feeding multiple families each week. Our women also participated in the E-Women Conference. Before the pandemic, we had a nursing home ministry every month, which was started and led by lay leaders in the church.

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I say all this to get to this point, God has continued to move and bless us in and through this season. Ministry has not only continued but thrived during these times. These things are not merely a list of things we have done, but they are the picture of a church that God is using in this season of uncertainty.

As I think back to when we arrived here at New Life, I can see God’s hand in it. He has orchestrated everything you have just read to get us ready to be able to minister in these crazy times we are living in. From the staff added, to the ministries begun, to the updating that is taking place. God has prepared us for such a time as this and we are in a new season here at New Life.

Pastor Jeremy Day
Richmond-New Life Worship Center Church of God