Credentialed Ministers to Register for Lunch


The biennial Ministers Meeting this year will be held on October 6 and is intended for credentialed ministers to vote for our elected boards and to approve the Agenda for the state. Your spouse may attend, but only credentialed ministers will be able to vote.

We will be practicing social distancing with our seating and will recommend masks be worn while in the building.

If you are in a high-risk category for the novel coronavirus and decide not to attend, you may request a copy of information from the business sessions by contacting the State Office.


This year's Ministers Meeting will begin at 10:00 AM on October 6. We will distribute voting devices starting at 9:30 AM.

In addition, we will serve boxed lunches for our attendees who pre-register at this link as soon as possible. Many have already registered.

If you have any questions, please check our website for all the details, and feel free to call the State Office.