Dr. Tim Hill Calls for September Prayer Initiative


Cleveland, TN–Dr. Timothy M. Hill, General Overseer of the Church of God, has issued a call to prayer for the month of September.

“With our nation and world facing multiple challenges and needs, I am strongly compelled of the Holy Spirit to announce a month-long call to prayer and fasting throughout the Church of God,” Hill stated.

Starting Wednesday, September 1 and going through the entire month, the daily event will tag on to the call for prayer launched in October 2019 called #WEPRAYCOG.

“Each day at noon Eastern time, with the exception of Sundays, I am inviting our church family and friends to join us on Church of God social media platforms for an inspirational time of scripture and prayer,” Hill continued. “During the first week, the Executive Committee of the Church of God will lead the daily five-minute prayer times. Afterwards, other state and regional leaders will be offering scripture, prayers, and petitions for a world that desperately needs healing and salvation.”

“I encourage you to join me and Paula on September 1 at 12:00 pm ET, as we kick off this next phase of #WEPRAYCOG. I look forward to seeing you then.”

The prayer calls will be available on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @COGHQ.


Use hashtag #WEPRAYCOG when you post to your own social media to join in on the special prayer launch.

Original FaithNews Article, linked here: https://www.faithnews.cc/?p=32102