RiseUP Women’s Retreat Rescheduled


It seems like a lifetime since the ladies of Virginia have gathered to worship our King together.  We’ve been anticipating our RiseUP Women’s Retreat for some time now.  Due to the 250 maximum capacity mandate and with vaccinations not being distributed at a fast enough rate, the Virginia Women’s Ministries Board and I have decided it is best to postpone the retreat until this fall. 

The Virginia RiseUP Women’s Retreat will be October 8-9, 2021, at Victory Tabernacle, Midlothian, VA.  We are thrilled to announce that each guest speaker initially retained; Paula Hill, Heather Wallace, Joy Sickinger, and Jason Crabb, our Friday night concert artist, will be there.

Continue to monitor our website vacog.org/womensretreat and our Facebook page, Virginia Church of God Women's Ministries for further information.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we navigate this journey together.  We pray for ongoing health, peace, and safety for you and your family.  "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 


Betty Mirkovich
Women’s Ministries & Discipleship Director