Bishop Tim Hill Condemns Racist Acts

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Faith News Release May 27, 2020

Cleveland, TN–In response to multiple racist acts over the past few weeks, Dr. Timothy M. Hill, General Overseer of the Church of God, issued the following condemnation of such hate-driven and bigoted actions:

“Racism is sin. God despises it. It is not a matter of ‘we must do better.’ Instead, it is a matter that all people are created equal. Brutality and murder must stop, whether from a citizen or those in authority. People of all races must be protected, respected and be able to live without fear.

I unequivocally condemn racist acts against any and all people. Such actions are something that should never be tolerated by a God-fearing society. Every man, woman, boy, and girl were created in the image of God. Regardless of race, color, or national origin, every living person has a soul. Therefore, we are all His children.”

Hill further commented on his Facebook page by saying, “Certainly, I call on the Church of God to pray for healing and reconciliation. However, it is also time that our actions demonstrate our most well intended words. May we, with our acts of brotherly love, work toward justice and liberty for people of every ethnicity. May we also exemplify honor and respect toward all as we vehemently resist the sin of racism in every way.”