Statement re: Governor's Requirement to Wear Face Coverings

Screenshot 2020-05-28 14.32.09.png

The State Office has been in touch with legal counsel for the Church of God, Attorney Dennis Watkins and Attorney Ryan Tucker, of Alliance Defending Freedom about wearing masks in church buildings based on the recent mandate by the Virginia Governor. 

The summary of their response is this: the local church is not exempt from this order and would not have any legal grounds to defy this mandate. It’s an order that has been issued for everyone, not just the church. There is no discrimination towards the church with this specific order.

In addition, per Bishop Mirkovich, this makes good sanitary healthcare sense. Remember, we are not being asked to do anything immoral, unlawful, or unscriptural. 

For this reason, local church pastors, all staff, and all volunteers should set the example at the church by wearing masks.  The pastor may remove his mask while preaching and then reapply that mask.

Most churches will not be turning people away that do not wear them, but you should have signage up in the foyer (if possible) making a statement to encourage attendees to comply with this order to the very best of their ability.

Here is a sample of such a sign:

church wear mask sign sample.png



Kathy FinleyCOVID19